Thursday 15 October 2009

Risk Assessments...

Today we was asked to write a mock risk assement on possible filming locations with in the notts trent campus, we chose to do one on the stairwell in waverly building

Below are a few exampls of possible risks and measures which can be taken to avoid them.

Slipping, tripping on stairs -

Ensure all people using the stairs have sensible footwear on and that all lases are tied and not hanging down, also if its wet ensure fit are dried to not only minimise risk to yourself but to other stair users.

Knocking into other users or equipment -

Choose a time in the day to film when stairs are not in use eg before building is open or during lectures consider extras if need be. Ensure all equipment is stored safetly and supervised at all times and any loose wires are taped down or covered.
Main fire route requires stairs -

Ensure alterntive routes are made aware to all users and minimise useage at peak times.

Allthough these are only a few possible outcomes it just gives a rough idea to what people need to look out for when filming in public and well used areas, not only that but any location at all.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Examples of well mastered music

These are a few examples of what I would consider well mastered tracks, it gives the reader and insight into what I consider well mastered. Ive chosen tracks from the hardcore metal genre first because its an area of music I have great interest in, and an area ive heard a large range of tracks from. (Please excuse the quality, as these are youtube videos)

The first track I chosen is: August Burns Red - White Washed

The drums in this song are very pro dominant, this is true for all aspects from crashes, cymbals, snare and kick. This is achieved threw heavy compression. The guitars are made thick by over dubbing layers and panning across the stereo field. The bass fills out the bottom end with out standing out too much and vocals are over driven to sound raw, all in all this a fine example of a well mixed hardcore track.

I have chosen to use Holy Diver by Kilswitch Engage as my second track as it is produced by Adam Dutkiewicz who is a brilliant producer and also the band's guitarist. This track has a great feeling of space whilst still sounding full. The drums are clear and powerful. There are many guitar layers each of which penetrate through the mix and have tasteful amounts of reverb applied creating a 'live band' sound. The bass is clear and deep. The vocals sit well over the instruments using reverb and multiple overdubs to make them sound thick and powerful.