Monday 23 February 2009

Creativity Questions

In the past few years a great deal of my creativity has being used in working on my portfolio. In most areas this meant filming and photography with editing to go with it. My creativity would never really reach any great limits other than what I wanted to film and a great deal of this was skateboarding. This being a great influence and a past time to me, I always found it more enjoyable to film and work in an area I enjoy. Target audience was never really considered but I guess it would have being my close friends and people who also enjoy skateboarding as a hobby. So this pretty much sums up who it has been for, mainly myself, it wasn't until I had a pretty large portfolio already that I was considering university an option so no more than a few small edits were added to the portfolio.

This pathway of my life was completely my own choice and my own decisions which got me to this point from what I chose to film to which pathway will take for my second year. Of course I would like to further my lifestyle in this chosen area and this is were I want my creativity to get me in the future, in a strong place of employment working in an area that I want to be part of not something which is forced on me.

Strong research and understanding can strengthen my chances of making it successful in this area after all to make a main steam film with out research would be suicidal to me as a film maker you must look into areas the film you intend to make selling points and of course if the idea has being done to death several times over.

Identities: User Interface Ideas..

I have being thinking greatly about the style and design of my user interface for my identities module, and decided on an idea that I think would be easy to do but still look good, I'm going to use a notice board style design much like the ones most university dorms. But the notices will be replaced by pictures that can be used as click able links for example my audio visual work is a video on my home town and this link will maybe be a post card or a "Welcome to Retford" sign. It will look much like the following examples below but will my personal selections replacing the choices they have used. I intend to either use photo shop or maybe even set up a real notice board and use that. I will update soon with my ideas to replace the posts and pictures used on the boards below.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Avatar Examples

South Park Creator

Ive being sampling a few avatar designing programs and websites and I remember using this website when I was young, and also used it again for my interactive flash game project. Its South Park studios it lets you create a south park style character easy as pie using pre made clothes, facial expressions etc. If only 3DS Max was as easy to use anyway here's the avatar I made..