Tuesday 28 October 2008

New Society Are You Interested???

After seeing the societies on offer i was sad to realise that there is no form of society that caters to the adrenaline junkie other than snow sports so i have requested to form a new society for extreme sports which will cater for the needs of roller blades, Skate boards, Bmx and possibly scooters, I intend to have arrange trips to various park through out England and possibly even further a field if the group becomes a success, As well as regular meet ups and other activities. I will also encourage the assistance of other groups such as photography and filmography so that hopefully some of us can get coverage and noticed if you want to take the sport further. But even if you just want to have a laugh with like minded people then please contact me also if anyone is welcome no matter your skill or ability. If you have any ideas please don't hesitate to contact me i am also looking for signatures from people to show NTU that we have a keen amount of students interested...

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