Tuesday 28 October 2008

Society & Recent Inventions..

Recent Multimedia Inventions

The Google phone I Phones demise?

With so many new phones being created daily it seems that the use for your basic laptop is going to be a thing of the past and with Google creating a new phone to rival the I Phone you have to ask your self what kind of effects will this have on society and the phone market in general? To me this phone is nothing more than a small version of your laptop or computer and then some. It has all the features, at a tenth of the size this to me shows that consumers are wanting all the features of laptops, computers and the internet but in a small pocket sized package. It seems that the smaller the item the more people want it much like the mobile phones predeceases, bulky brick like items which you wouldn’t exactly look “cool” pulling out your pocket in a big queue. Phones got smaller but the technology got bigger as did the price. This had positive and negative effects on society as you can imagine phone thefts went up, people stole to sell on or to keep for themselves because society in a way deemed it “cool” and “hip” to be up to date with the latest technologies. I feel much like the I Phone the Google phone with have the same stigma attached to it people feel the need to be “cool” and have the latest gadgets and sadly some people will not acquire this threw lawful means. But there positive for the Google phone outlays the negative much like the I Phone the amount of information now available to people at your fingertips is increasing at a ever growing rate, mainly due to this technology and down to the fact its so readily available much like your standard computer but can now fit you pocket, But like the price of a personal computer when it first came out expense was a huge issue and only the privileged could afford one, but in the last ten years every home now has one and I feel it will be same for these wonder phones they will follow the same trends it just takes time to develop the technology to lower production costs. The impact these gadgets will have on society will be immense. It will make information so widely available to the average person for example access to news, current events and trains times will be so much more available you can just pull the phone out your pocket and check. A constant supply of information at your fingertips. With this society will move so much quicker because people can now access common interests which at a time would only be available from a fixed location.

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