Tuesday 25 November 2008

Figuring Light Exhibition

Rebecca Partridge - Kalider - Oil on canvas
This piece of work is an example of Rebecca Partridges work using colour, it was recently apart of the figuring light exhibition in Nottingham. To me is a great example of colour and shapes as well as how shading and shadows and light can be used to make the picture appear more in depth than it actually is. It uses line of sight to make it seem as if the cubes disappear into the two central white centres. Although there are two main focal points to the photo each area tends to repeat the colours used and this to me is more effective than using a completely different colour set. To me the picture has a very kaleidoscope feel to it it uses near enough the same colour pallet as the old toys used to. Much like the 70s and 80s (when the kaleidoscope was made) it has a very colourful retro style to it.

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