Tuesday 18 November 2008

One Shot Film - Preparation!

Preparation: One shot film "Toilet Humour!"

We have being asked to produce a one shot film as part of our assignments. Basically a film shot with one angle. The subject title was "The Meeting". As a group we decided to create a film demonstrating clichè men's toilet behaviour. We decided to add all the stereotypes we felt as a group used toilets, from the nervous insecure guy all the way up to the guy who just cant help but look at the competition. We decided to completely mute all sound and use only body language to show how people feel in the situation, as a result some of the behaviour has being dramatised to sell the story and feelings. We filmed the shot in the toilets in Waverly building and used a shot which had all 3 urinals in, and kept with the assignment guidelines and only paned once. We used no lighting as we felt the toilet lighting was sufficient for what we required. The finished video will be posted once completed.

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