Wednesday 16 December 2009

"Barking" Completed!

Here is the finished product of our short film entitled "Barking"

Barking Production Shots...

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Barking Promo Stills..

The following are promo stills taken from the completed barking project...

Network MInd Map

Networking Mind Map...

Thursday 3 December 2009

Malac Finished...

Here is the final edit of the malac video. The video is about the theory that the mind can create something far more scary than what we can be shown, is a show of how music and angles can be used to sell something as being scary when its not.

Thursday 19 November 2009

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Creative Minded
Determination to succeed
Great list of skills and experiences
Technically Minded


Can be distracted
Have lazy tendencies
Not great list of contacts
Hard area to get


University assistance and guidance
Recession means creative industries are more active
Work experience


Competition from other graduates
Some people may possess better skills than me

"Barking" Location Shots

These are location shots for the up and comming film were making, they show the main shots and locations that intened to used with in the film.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Frame Forge Sesh...

Getting to grips with the worst thing since the sims. this piece of equipment is used to make story boards and shot lists. It gives you all the tools to make a replica blue print of your location and sets and also all the angles needed for the film, here a a few examples of the work I have being doing for the up and comming shooting of the "barking" film.

Blue Print

And this shows the store shot tools which can be used for your angles and shots.

Overall the program has helped greatly in creating our story boards and saves alot of time hand drawing it also has great easy to use features which help you get the best from your story boards.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Risk Assessments...

Today we was asked to write a mock risk assement on possible filming locations with in the notts trent campus, we chose to do one on the stairwell in waverly building

Below are a few exampls of possible risks and measures which can be taken to avoid them.

Slipping, tripping on stairs -

Ensure all people using the stairs have sensible footwear on and that all lases are tied and not hanging down, also if its wet ensure fit are dried to not only minimise risk to yourself but to other stair users.

Knocking into other users or equipment -

Choose a time in the day to film when stairs are not in use eg before building is open or during lectures consider extras if need be. Ensure all equipment is stored safetly and supervised at all times and any loose wires are taped down or covered.
Main fire route requires stairs -

Ensure alterntive routes are made aware to all users and minimise useage at peak times.

Allthough these are only a few possible outcomes it just gives a rough idea to what people need to look out for when filming in public and well used areas, not only that but any location at all.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Examples of well mastered music

These are a few examples of what I would consider well mastered tracks, it gives the reader and insight into what I consider well mastered. Ive chosen tracks from the hardcore metal genre first because its an area of music I have great interest in, and an area ive heard a large range of tracks from. (Please excuse the quality, as these are youtube videos)

The first track I chosen is: August Burns Red - White Washed

The drums in this song are very pro dominant, this is true for all aspects from crashes, cymbals, snare and kick. This is achieved threw heavy compression. The guitars are made thick by over dubbing layers and panning across the stereo field. The bass fills out the bottom end with out standing out too much and vocals are over driven to sound raw, all in all this a fine example of a well mixed hardcore track.

I have chosen to use Holy Diver by Kilswitch Engage as my second track as it is produced by Adam Dutkiewicz who is a brilliant producer and also the band's guitarist. This track has a great feeling of space whilst still sounding full. The drums are clear and powerful. There are many guitar layers each of which penetrate through the mix and have tasteful amounts of reverb applied creating a 'live band' sound. The bass is clear and deep. The vocals sit well over the instruments using reverb and multiple overdubs to make them sound thick and powerful.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

User Interface! Owned!

Here is the finished item for my user interface, as part of my identites module. Click to enlarge..

Thursday 30 April 2009

Avatar Finished Product...

Here is my finished avatar its called Burt Fish, basically a 3D fish who likes to party :)

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Logo Completed

Here is my finished logo for my identities portfolio...

Thursday 9 April 2009

First Audio Visual Piece...

This is my audio visual piece for my identities module its a tongue in cheek look at my home town Retford, shot much like the BBC show Wish you were here, and other holiday tour guide themed shows.


My Logo Thus Far...

This is my logo so far, It needs a shiny texture adding to it, so that it has a metalic look, much like badges that you see on cars.

Monday 23 February 2009

Creativity Questions

In the past few years a great deal of my creativity has being used in working on my portfolio. In most areas this meant filming and photography with editing to go with it. My creativity would never really reach any great limits other than what I wanted to film and a great deal of this was skateboarding. This being a great influence and a past time to me, I always found it more enjoyable to film and work in an area I enjoy. Target audience was never really considered but I guess it would have being my close friends and people who also enjoy skateboarding as a hobby. So this pretty much sums up who it has been for, mainly myself, it wasn't until I had a pretty large portfolio already that I was considering university an option so no more than a few small edits were added to the portfolio.

This pathway of my life was completely my own choice and my own decisions which got me to this point from what I chose to film to which pathway will take for my second year. Of course I would like to further my lifestyle in this chosen area and this is were I want my creativity to get me in the future, in a strong place of employment working in an area that I want to be part of not something which is forced on me.

Strong research and understanding can strengthen my chances of making it successful in this area after all to make a main steam film with out research would be suicidal to me as a film maker you must look into areas the film you intend to make selling points and of course if the idea has being done to death several times over.

Identities: User Interface Ideas..

I have being thinking greatly about the style and design of my user interface for my identities module, and decided on an idea that I think would be easy to do but still look good, I'm going to use a notice board style design much like the ones most university dorms. But the notices will be replaced by pictures that can be used as click able links for example my audio visual work is a video on my home town and this link will maybe be a post card or a "Welcome to Retford" sign. It will look much like the following examples below but will my personal selections replacing the choices they have used. I intend to either use photo shop or maybe even set up a real notice board and use that. I will update soon with my ideas to replace the posts and pictures used on the boards below.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Avatar Examples

South Park Creator

Ive being sampling a few avatar designing programs and websites and I remember using this website when I was young, and also used it again for my interactive flash game project. Its South Park studios it lets you create a south park style character easy as pie using pre made clothes, facial expressions etc. If only 3DS Max was as easy to use anyway here's the avatar I made..

Thursday 22 January 2009

Second Life - Latest!

My guy has some clothes now thanks greatly to the freebie stores dotted around the world, Ive not quite sorted out his hair yet but its work in progress. But I now own a selection of clothes and animations. I decided to aim for a more realistic looking approch for my character and dress him similar to how I do, more for personal reflection to my creation. My guy was however fortunate to get laid for the first time since joining second life, sadly some guy also got involved....

At first glance I wasn't sure about uploading the photos but after thinking about it I decided I would not be giving a true representation of my second life experience if i was to keep them off, it also gave me an insight into how seriously some people take these alternative lifestyles....

I will update again soon with hopefully a new hair style and more stories.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

3D Text Modeling

Small example of 3D text modeling I made, it has some examples of lighting but all in all was just a test of using the software...

Thursday 15 January 2009

Second Life...

Proper not down with this my character still looks like a proper idiot, but its all about learning how to use the program so its going to take some time, I was expecting alot more basic in terms of creating a character, but was left surprised, anyway here is how my character currently looks..

I will update soon with hopefully a better looking character and abit of a diary of what hes being up to.

Oldskool Footage..

Found some real old footage on my 1st ever computer was bored so decided to make a edit on windows movie maker as being the only editing software on my 10 year old Windows ME computer have a lookski....

Ty Evans Work....

In my eyes one of the most influential directors of the skateboarding industry, his work breaks the barriers as what is for seen as the "norm" for skateboarding films, he trys and uses ideas which would never have being thought of. This is why hes so influential to me because i want to edit in his style i don't wish to keep to a strict plan. As you can see for your self these are ideas you wouldn't expect to see in a skateboard film, they boarder more on professional films instead of low budget flicks like skateboarding movies tend to be.

Below are some examples of his work for the film "Yeah Right!"

Friday 2 January 2009

Xbox live avatars

Seen as we are going to be starting our identities module real soon, I decided to write a small peace on xbox live avatars. Xbox live recently introduced an update to which they ask you to design yourself as an avatar, not so much ask but demand its mandatory. To me this is an attempt by Microsoft to aim the Xbox in a more family orientated direction much like how the Nintendo Wii encourages you to create an online identity and add your own appearance choices such as hair and clothing, the Xbox version offers alot more for the user to customise and also gives the option to save alternative styles of you avatar in the wardrobe section. I also feel they added this program to give gamers more of an online identity before this the only customisable features were small gamer pictures. To coincide with the launch of this program Microsoft now offer a online world were gamers use there avatars to chat to people and complete challenges to unlock further clothing items.

Below shows the Xbox live avatar designer...

The program works alot like "Second Life" a program which incorporates avatars in a online chat area. A program I will be looking into later, here is my designed avatar for Xbox Live.

I decided to design my avatar to look as much like myself as I could, this was so fellow gamers could see a truer representation of my self in a 3D world.

Brushing the dust off my journal...

It seems like a life time since Ive even logged on here and with only a few weeks till we go back to uni I thought id get the ball rolling again, and make a pointless post first off I hope all my peers and friends had a rad Xmas and New Year!! and also hope everyone made all there dead lines and shizz.

Anyway check out my new respectable look.... No beard and short hair :P

Looking forward to seeing everyone again!
