Friday 12 December 2008

Interactive Flash - Finished!

Praise the lord its over with, I decided for my final piece to be a genre cross game in this case I chose comedy centrals "South Park" and Square-Enixs "Final Fantasy 7" the game has path choices and a specially made battle sequence similar to the turn based style used in the Final Fantasy series overall the narrative is your basic good vs evil. I chose to do this because south park characters are easy to redraw to suit your flash needs and also because both genres have something great about them whether it be South Parks humour or Final Fantasy's epic story.

Please Enjoy!!

South Park - Final Fantasy by ~BurtFish on deviantART

Please see link if flash doesnt load on here....

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Interactive Narrative - First Ideas

From viewing a selection of work online as well as students work, I'm still in two minds as to which narrative I intend to use for my flash project. I'm looking into a few ideas of spin offs of well known games and films, but am also looking into making the flash project be a help guide on maybe drugs or other student problems. But the flash video is going to accommodate a wide selection of choices which all have consequences whether it be a help guide or a spin off. There will still be a great deal of interacvity and a strong narrative. Hopefully by the end of this week 5/12/2008 I will have a better idea of what I intend to do and will with any luck be planning it.

Interactive Narrative - Existing Work Analysis!

The Simpson's Home Interactive

This is a small interactive flash game called "The Simpson's home interactive" it is basically a interactive blue print of the Simpson home designed using some actual stills and pictures from the TV show, but a majority of the work is drawn by the creator. The games mainly consists of click able items which all have a small animation for example turns lights on and off, or cupboards open and close. Also they have added a extras such as sound boards to the flash to keep you entertained. Overall there is a small amount of interactivity to the game but nothing above basic character animation changes. There is no narrative to the game it is more for information and trivia purposes on The Simpson's TV show.

Field Command Interactive Game

This is a interactive strategy game were you command a small group of soldiers and issue pre-set commands to the squad the object of the game is it make it from mission to mission whilst keeping as many soldiers alive as possible. Interactivity is to a minimum and is a far as the pre- order commands allow and the game is more luck than strategy. But each mission completion offers a code so that you can continue where yo left off if you wish. The narrative of this game is a tactical war story but there is only basic diaologe to support this.

Sunday 30 November 2008

Autopsy Tension...

A small edit of a video called "Autopsy" but we was asked to emphasise the feelings and emotions and keep communication and talking to a minimum...

Tuesday 25 November 2008

The Meating...

This is my finished edit of my groups one shot film on male toilet stereotypes. I decided to make it seem like the toilet was in a pub or nightclub so i decided to make the track distorted and muffled and much like a toilet when the someone enters the music gets louder.

Figuring Light Exhibition

Rebecca Partridge - Kalider - Oil on canvas
This piece of work is an example of Rebecca Partridges work using colour, it was recently apart of the figuring light exhibition in Nottingham. To me is a great example of colour and shapes as well as how shading and shadows and light can be used to make the picture appear more in depth than it actually is. It uses line of sight to make it seem as if the cubes disappear into the two central white centres. Although there are two main focal points to the photo each area tends to repeat the colours used and this to me is more effective than using a completely different colour set. To me the picture has a very kaleidoscope feel to it it uses near enough the same colour pallet as the old toys used to. Much like the 70s and 80s (when the kaleidoscope was made) it has a very colourful retro style to it.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

One Shot Film - Preparation!

Preparation: One shot film "Toilet Humour!"

We have being asked to produce a one shot film as part of our assignments. Basically a film shot with one angle. The subject title was "The Meeting". As a group we decided to create a film demonstrating clichè men's toilet behaviour. We decided to add all the stereotypes we felt as a group used toilets, from the nervous insecure guy all the way up to the guy who just cant help but look at the competition. We decided to completely mute all sound and use only body language to show how people feel in the situation, as a result some of the behaviour has being dramatised to sell the story and feelings. We filmed the shot in the toilets in Waverly building and used a shot which had all 3 urinals in, and kept with the assignment guidelines and only paned once. We used no lighting as we felt the toilet lighting was sufficient for what we required. The finished video will be posted once completed.

Sunday 16 November 2008

A Few Photos...

Decided to upload a few old photos, which I took that may interest a few people, far from great, but its being a slow night...

If you like any theres alot more here aswell as some old edits:

Thursday 6 November 2008

Rule of 3rds...

The Rule Of Thirds

The rule of thirds states that an image can be divided into nine equal squares. It is stated that the horizon should sit on the lower third of the video or photo, the main focus of the photo of video sits on the middle third, and usually the sky and or the less important aspects sit on the top third.

The following is a video and photo attempting to show the rule of thirds. As you can see the main detail of the person (his face) lies with in the central third, the horizon is this case is the end of the car park which lies with in the lower third, and the sky and less details are contained within the top third.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Pixilation Assignment

My pixilation video. This is part 1 of 5 of a group video called "Rags 2 Riches" Enjoy!!

Monday 3 November 2008

Design Task: Successful Practices

Above the Sony PSP one of my favourite designed items, from how it looks and how it feels, to the features it offers. This is a great example of 21st century technology.

Why is it that we want our belongings to do more for us than to function well?

With so many different companies and rivals, the consumer has many choices they can make in regards to which product they choose. As a result the product we choose has to do so many different things and live up to so many different expectations. It’s not just enough for the product to function well. With all the technology now on offer our needs are becoming even harder to satisfy. As a result the companies are constantly increasing the technology that products can now on offer. We now as consumers with so many different accessories and products on offer will always warm to a product which can offer more than what we need, for example that all phones now come with cameras. We could just have kept a phone for its standard and original use but as a nation we require more from are technology and as a result phones now come with cameras.

Why are we willing, as soon as we can afford it, to pay extra for things with appealing forms?

This I feel comes down largely to the influences of society. Society deems all the new gadgets to be a must have item. This is a result of what the media can do to a consumer as well by portraying these items as must have items. Though we don’t necessarily need a top of the range phone, media and society can make it seem like you do with all the celebrities and role models they have endorsing there products the consumer feels they need to be part of this and in most cases is prepared to shell out large amounts of money to become part of it and feel as though they have not being left behind. As a result the more appealing a item is, the more we feel we need to have it.

Best Skate Section EVER!!!

This is well worth a watch whether your a skateboarder or not, its the introduction to Lakai's Fully Flared, in my eyes one the best made sections in a skateboard film ever, check it out...

Tuesday 28 October 2008

New Society Are You Interested???

After seeing the societies on offer i was sad to realise that there is no form of society that caters to the adrenaline junkie other than snow sports so i have requested to form a new society for extreme sports which will cater for the needs of roller blades, Skate boards, Bmx and possibly scooters, I intend to have arrange trips to various park through out England and possibly even further a field if the group becomes a success, As well as regular meet ups and other activities. I will also encourage the assistance of other groups such as photography and filmography so that hopefully some of us can get coverage and noticed if you want to take the sport further. But even if you just want to have a laugh with like minded people then please contact me also if anyone is welcome no matter your skill or ability. If you have any ideas please don't hesitate to contact me i am also looking for signatures from people to show NTU that we have a keen amount of students interested...

Society & Recent Inventions..

Recent Multimedia Inventions

The Google phone I Phones demise?

With so many new phones being created daily it seems that the use for your basic laptop is going to be a thing of the past and with Google creating a new phone to rival the I Phone you have to ask your self what kind of effects will this have on society and the phone market in general? To me this phone is nothing more than a small version of your laptop or computer and then some. It has all the features, at a tenth of the size this to me shows that consumers are wanting all the features of laptops, computers and the internet but in a small pocket sized package. It seems that the smaller the item the more people want it much like the mobile phones predeceases, bulky brick like items which you wouldn’t exactly look “cool” pulling out your pocket in a big queue. Phones got smaller but the technology got bigger as did the price. This had positive and negative effects on society as you can imagine phone thefts went up, people stole to sell on or to keep for themselves because society in a way deemed it “cool” and “hip” to be up to date with the latest technologies. I feel much like the I Phone the Google phone with have the same stigma attached to it people feel the need to be “cool” and have the latest gadgets and sadly some people will not acquire this threw lawful means. But there positive for the Google phone outlays the negative much like the I Phone the amount of information now available to people at your fingertips is increasing at a ever growing rate, mainly due to this technology and down to the fact its so readily available much like your standard computer but can now fit you pocket, But like the price of a personal computer when it first came out expense was a huge issue and only the privileged could afford one, but in the last ten years every home now has one and I feel it will be same for these wonder phones they will follow the same trends it just takes time to develop the technology to lower production costs. The impact these gadgets will have on society will be immense. It will make information so widely available to the average person for example access to news, current events and trains times will be so much more available you can just pull the phone out your pocket and check. A constant supply of information at your fingertips. With this society will move so much quicker because people can now access common interests which at a time would only be available from a fixed location.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Paggerd Fresher

Three days of alcohol abuse have taken the toll on my body. As a fresher your expected to take part, and taking part as a Nott's Trent fresher means getting hammered. But its not all stupid costumes and games, Its the meeting new friends the new experiences, this is what being a fresher is about! Your first three years can go easy or hard. But at the end of the day its the sacrifices and the lengths that you are prepared to take which the deciding factor.

What do I want to get out of my course?

As part of my course Ive being asked to write on here what I want to get out my course, the straight up answer being to pass. But were not aloud to write that, so here it goes...

What I would like to achieve on my multimedia course? A greater understanding of media in general as well as the techniques and skills to make my filming and editing skills the best they can be. To pursue a career in this over populated area I must have these skills, In a dog eat dog world were the biggest dogs get the food, I don't want to be a small dog eating scraps I want to be the big mother beast eating all the meat!